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School Nurse

Health Office Policy

Every student is required to have a pass from the teacher before entering the Health Office. A student must sign-in stating the time of arrival and sign-out indicating the time of departure after he/she is finished speaking with the nurse. This log serves as a record of the student’s whereabouts. If a student’s name is not on the list, he/she is considered to be cutting. Lateness to class will NOT be excused for students who come to the Health Office between periods without a pass. All students should report to the health office for an assessment and to contact parents/guardian. Students should not call or text parents directly to leave school. A student is NOT automatically excused from class because they are in the Health Office.


Contact Us

BHS Nurse's Office
201-385-8600, ext. 1322

Loretta Borrows
School Nurse
201-385-8600, ext. 1320

Patricia August
School Nurse
201-385-8600, ext. 1321